Most Holy Trinity Parish

Tucson, Arizona


"A Week of Prayers: Make Us Signs of Hope"

"A Week of Prayers: Make Us Signs of Hope"

Spirit of God, Lord, again we come as sons and we need you; we come as daughters and we ask for your life. You are our God. You are our creator. You have made us something out of nothing. Free us so we no longer complain about what is not given. We know, God, what is given and we can no longer deny it. Make signs of hope, Jesus, for this world, so that the world will not destroy itself. Give us faith to believe, Father, not in just some new, happy life, not in some good fortune in the future, but give us faith in the now that seems so empty.

Give us hope that you are what we suspect you should be: love as we understand it. Mother, perhaps there is something else giving on here. We dare to want to see it and want to believe it. Perhaps there is graciousness here. All we know is that we who were once nothing are now something, and you, God of life, have made it so. We are so grateful.

from Days of Renewal


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