Interesting article from Richard Rohr, book “On Pilgrimage”, In this article he reminds us that God is in all of us, it is just a matter of belief and acknowledgement from our side. In addition, he also describes how our world is made of ordinary people, living in ordinary places just as you and I are living today, we are all living day by day with a purpose of making a better world enhancing our life and the life of others. Enjoy.
“ (Recorded at Nazareth) The Gospel stories take on a new and beautiful significance as we stand and we celebrate in the very spot in which Mary lived and said yes to God. It was within three hundred yards of this spot that Mary and Joseph came to the life of faith that we now have come to participate in. I’m sure as you drive today across these very ordinary-looking hills, these very ordinary-looking villages and people, it must strike you, How could Mary, Joseph, anybody, have thought they were special? We’ve idealized this land all our lives. And perhaps one of the great graces of a journey to the Holy Land is in fact to see that it’s not only ordinary but perhaps not as pretty as many parts of the world. What makes it beautiful to our eyes is what happened here. As you see these little boys running around Nazareth, as you see young girls walking through these streets and young men in working clothes, it probably was no different in Jesus’ time. And yet that woman Mary, that man Joseph, had to believe that they were the special ones of God. And that little boy Jesus who grew up in this town somehow had to dare to believe that he was God’s son. The word that comes to me at this place of the incarnation, this place where Mary said yes and the word became flesh, this place where they grew up in such ordinary circumstances, is a word of extraordinary faith. If they could believe, perhaps we can believe in our very ordinary-looking lives that God could somehow be taking flesh in us.
from On Pilgrimage With Father Richard Rohr”